Open Roads and a New RV

Once you've tasted the freedom of life on the's very hard to live any other way! We were definitely feeling this after Lucy was born...but we also loved our little home and our dear friends in Bozeman. We were torn...but eventually, the lure of the open road and the life of adventure that it brings won out.
As you might know, Matt is the master of finding the perfect RV (he can help you too!). This is our 4th RV in two years :) When we first started looking this time around, we were totally excited about getting a bus. Like a real bus...a Prevost or an MCI. But then we came to our senses. Buses are expensive to own and expensive to fix. It was going to take A LOT of money to make a bus into something that we would want to live in. Plus, buying a bus with a slide is WAY more money than an RV with a slide. Not to mention the fact that Matt is 6'5" and any bus we bought would have to have a raised roof...or we could cut his feet off.
So we started looking for an RV instead. We looked for several months and finally found our perfect rig. It was a Western Alpine Coach (the same brand as our 2nd RV, which we loved), it had a closet that we could build a bunk into for Bella, and it had one slide. Perfect.
Matt flew down to Texas to do the deal and drove it back to Iowa (the video in this post is the first time we saw it as he pulled up). Shortly after that, Matt flew to Ohio to pick up our Ford Sportrac. We chose that as our tow vehicle because it was easy to set up for towing and we could put a tank in the back to collect veggie oil without bringing the RV to the restraurants.
We were set. New RV. New truck. Big we go!